240+ Comparison jokes – Funny, Short, Dirty, Long…



240+ Comparison jokes – Funny, Short, Dirty, Long…

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  1. Comparing my love life to a GPS is like saying I always end up at the wrong destination, but the journey is still oddly entertaining.
  2. Trying to find motivation on a Monday morning is like searching for a needle in a haystack – both seem impossible until you accidentally stumble upon it.
  3. My memory is like a sieve, but instead of letting water through, it filters out important information and retains useless trivia, like the lifespan of a fruit fly.
  4. My bank account is like a black hole – money goes in, but it never seems to escape.
  5. Comparing my cooking skills to a Michelin-star chef is like comparing a stick figure to the Mona Lisa – both have their charm, but only one is considered a masterpiece.
  6. Trying to wake me up in the morning is like attempting to negotiate with a grizzly bear – it’s best to proceed with caution and maybe even offer a bribe.
  7. My social life is like a rollercoaster – there are ups, downs, and sometimes I feel like I’m going to throw up.
  8. Attempting DIY projects is like playing Russian roulette – you never know if you’ll end up with a masterpiece or a disaster.
  9. My inbox is like a jungle – filled with mysterious creatures (unread emails) waiting to pounce on me when I least expect it.
  10. Comparing my singing voice to a nightingale is like comparing a foghorn to a flute – both produce noise, but only one is music to the ears.
  11. Trying to keep my room clean is like attempting to tame a tornado – it starts with good intentions, but ends in chaos.
  12. My attention span is like a goldfish’s – fleeting and easily distracted by shiny objects.
  13. Comparing my dance moves to a swan’s grace is like comparing a toddler’s first steps to a ballet performance – there’s a lot of stumbling involved.
  14. My love for chocolate is like a black hole’s gravitational pull – once it’s in my vicinity, resistance is futile.
  15. Trying to parallel park is like solving a Rubik’s cube – it seems straightforward until you’re staring at it from the wrong angle.
  16. My patience is like a rubber band – it stretches until it reaches its breaking point, then snaps.
  17. Comparing my sense of direction to a compass is like comparing a broken GPS to Google Maps – both leave you lost and confused.
  18. My wardrobe choices are like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re going to get, but it’s probably going to be colorful.
  19. Attempting to understand quantum physics is like trying to herd cats – just when you think you’ve got it figured out, everything falls apart.
  20. Comparing my Mondays to a horror movie marathon is like saying Godzilla is just a cute lizard – both are terrifying in their own special way.
  1. Trying to wake up before 8 AM is like trying to negotiate with a snooze button – it always wins, and I end up surrendering.
  2. My attempts at flirting are like a fish out of water – awkward, gasping for air, and usually end up flopping around.
  3. My love life is like a Netflix subscription – full of options, but I always end up rewatching the same old episodes.
  4. Going to the gym is like going to a party I wasn’t invited to – I’m there, but I have no idea what I’m doing and just hope no one notices.
  5. My cooking skills are like a reality TV show – dramatic, occasionally entertaining, but ultimately leave everyone hungry for something better.
  6. Trying to keep up with trends is like trying to catch a greased pig – elusive, slippery, and eventually, I just give up and watch from the sidelines.
  7. My attempts at DIY projects are like a toddler with a glue gun – messy, potentially dangerous, and usually ends in tears.
  8. Comparing my dancing skills to a drunken octopus is an insult to the octopus – at least they have eight legs to coordinate.
  9. My fashion sense is like a blindfolded toddler playing dress-up – colorful, mismatched, and bound to make a statement, whether intentional or not.
  10. Attempting to understand my own jokes is like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube in the dark – frustrating, confusing, and ultimately leads to giving up.
  11. My attempts at gardening are like a horror movie – full of unexpected twists, lots of screaming (mostly from me), and usually ends with something getting killed.
  12. Trying to find a parking spot in a crowded city is like trying to find a needle in a haystack – except the needle is a spot and the haystack is a sea of angry drivers.
  13. My singing voice is like a cat being strangled – horrifying to listen to, but oddly fascinating in its own twisted way.
  14. Comparing my bank account to a leaky bucket is an insult to the bucket – at least the bucket can hold onto something for longer than a day.
  15. My love for procrastination is like a bad habit – hard to break, often regrettable, but somehow always comforting in the moment.
  16. Trying to make plans with friends is like herding cats – chaotic, unpredictable, and usually ends with someone getting scratched.
  17. My attention span is like a goldfish on caffeine – short-lived, easily distracted, and prone to forgetting what I was doing five minutes ago.
  18. Comparing my Mondays to a horror movie marathon is an insult to horror movies – at least they have a plot, whereas Mondays just seem to drag on forever.
  19. My memory is like a sieve – full of holes, occasionally useful for straining pasta, but mostly just frustrating when trying to remember important things.
  20. Trying to resist chocolate is like trying to resist a puppy’s sad eyes – impossible, heart-wrenching, and usually ends with me giving in and eating the whole bar.

  1. My bank account is like a leaky faucet – constantly dripping, but never enough to fill the bathtub.
  2. Comparing my computer skills to a typewriter is like comparing a spaceship to a horse-drawn carriage – both have their charm, but one is significantly more outdated.
  3. Trying to find a needle in a haystack is like trying to find a compliment in a YouTube comment section – rare, but not impossible if you search hard enough.
  4. My internet connection is like a rollercoaster – it has its ups and downs, but mostly just leaves me feeling queasy.
  5. Attempting to understand my own handwriting is like deciphering an ancient hieroglyph – it’s a mystery to everyone involved.
  6. Comparing my organizational skills to a filing cabinet is like comparing a tornado to a gentle breeze – both involve a lot of movement, but only one leaves chaos in its wake.
  7. My ability to parallel park is like a game of Tetris – I always seem to have the perfect spot until I realize I’ve left just enough space for a compact car.
  8. Trying to navigate through my browser history is like exploring a jungle – you never know what you’ll find lurking in the shadows.
  9. My love life is like a Choose Your Own Adventure book – full of twists, turns, and inevitably leading to an unexpected ending.
  10. Comparing my sense of direction to a compass is like comparing a broken clock to Big Ben – both might point you in the right direction occasionally, but most of the time, they’re just decoration.
  11. Attempting to fix my sleep schedule is like trying to tame a wild horse – it’s a noble endeavor, but ultimately ends with me being thrown off and landing face-first in a pile of pillows.
  12. My memory is like a sieve – it retains the important stuff like a filter, but everything else slips through the cracks like sand.
  13. Trying to understand quantum physics is like trying to juggle flaming torches – it’s impressive if you can pull it off, but for most people, it’s just a recipe for disaster.
  14. Comparing my Monday mornings to a marathon is like comparing a sprinter to a snail – both involve a lot of effort, but one moves significantly faster than the other.
  15. My social skills are like a fine wine – they improve with age, but I still tend to spill them everywhere in awkward situations.
  16. Trying to make plans with friends is like herding cats – it requires patience, determination, and a willingness to accept that you might get scratched in the process.
  17. My love for puns is like a boomerang – it always comes back to me, whether I want it to or not.
  18. Comparing my attention span to a goldfish’s is like comparing a shooting star to a supernova – both have their moments of brilliance, but one burns out much faster than the other.
  19. Attempting to navigate through rush hour traffic is like playing a game of chess – it requires strategy, patience, and the ability to predict your opponent’s next move.
  20. My ability to remember song lyrics is like a superpower – useless in most situations, but occasionally impresses people at karaoke night.
  1. Comparing myself to a GPS is like comparing a snail to a rocket ship – one takes forever to get there, and the other knows exactly where it’s going.
  2. Comparing my cooking skills to Gordon Ramsay is like comparing a stick figure to Michelangelo’s David.
  3. Comparing my dance moves to Michael Jackson’s is like comparing a penguin’s waddle to a swan’s grace.
  4. Comparing my singing voice to Adele’s is like comparing a squeaky toy to a symphony orchestra.
  5. Comparing my memory to a computer’s is like comparing a leaky faucet to the Hoover Dam.
  6. Comparing my fashion sense to a fashionista’s is like comparing a haystack to a designer dress.
  7. Comparing my DIY projects to Bob the Builder’s is like comparing a sandcastle to the Great Wall of China.
  8. Comparing my jokes to Shakespeare’s wit is like comparing a knock-knock joke to Hamlet’s soliloquy.
  9. Comparing my athleticism to Usain Bolt’s is like comparing a turtle to a cheetah.
  10. Comparing my photography skills to Ansel Adams’ is like comparing a doodle to the Mona Lisa.
  11. Comparing my painting abilities to Picasso’s is like comparing a toddler’s finger painting to the Sistine Chapel ceiling.
  12. Comparing my bedtime stories to J.K. Rowling’s is like comparing a napkin scribble to the Harry Potter series.
  13. Comparing my driving skills to a NASCAR champion’s is like comparing a tricycle to a Formula 1 car.
  14. Comparing my typing speed to a court stenographer’s is like comparing a snail’s pace to the speed of light.
  15. Comparing my DIY haircut to a professional stylist’s is like comparing a chainsaw massacre to a salon makeover.
  16. Comparing my baking skills to Martha Stewart’s is like comparing a mud pie to a three-tier wedding cake.
  17. Comparing my sense of direction to a compass’s is like comparing a lost puppy to Lewis and Clark.
  18. Comparing my gardening skills to a botanist’s is like comparing a weed patch to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
  19. Comparing my tech support abilities to a genius hacker’s is like comparing a flip phone to the space shuttle.
  20. Comparing my karaoke performance to Beyoncé’s is like comparing a car alarm to a Grammy-winning song.

  1. Comparing my attempts to fix things around the house to a superhero’s heroic deeds is like comparing a toddler playing dress-up to Superman saving the world. Every time I pick up a tool, it’s like I transform into Captain Chaos, wreaking havoc and leaving a trail of destruction in my wake. My wife has even started calling me “The Disaster Avenger” because every time I try to fix something, it’s like I’m avenging the peace and quiet of our household by creating chaos.
  2. Comparing my morning routine to a military operation is like comparing a leisurely stroll in the park to storming the beaches of Normandy. When my alarm goes off, it’s like the general giving the signal to commence the attack, except instead of soldiers charging into battle, it’s me stumbling out of bed in a daze. And just like in war, there’s always casualties – usually my snooze button, which takes a beating every morning as I desperately try to delay the inevitable onslaught of the day.
  3. Comparing my attempts to parallel park to a ballet performance is like comparing a drunken elephant trying to tiptoe through a minefield to a graceful swan gliding across a serene lake. Every time I approach a parking spot, it’s like I’m auditioning for the lead role in “The Clumsy Chronicles.” I can see the disappointment in the eyes of pedestrians as they witness my awkward maneuvers, but hey, at least I always manage to avoid hitting anything – most of the time.
  4. Comparing my love life to a romantic comedy is like comparing a dumpster fire to a fireworks display. Instead of charming meet-cutes and whirlwind romances, my dating history reads more like a series of unfortunate events. Every time I think I’ve found “the one,” it’s like the universe hits the rewind button and throws me back to square one. I’m starting to think my love life is less of a rom-com and more of a tragicomedy – with an emphasis on the tragic.
  5. Comparing my attempts to follow a recipe to a top chef’s culinary masterpiece is like comparing a preschool finger painting to the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Every time I step into the kitchen, it’s like I’m embarking on a culinary adventure – except instead of creating a delicious masterpiece, I usually end up with a culinary catastrophe. My kitchen has become a battleground, with flour bombs exploding and smoke alarms wailing as I desperately try to salvage whatever’s left of dinner.
  6. Comparing my attempts to fix my computer to a tech guru’s seamless troubleshooting is like comparing a caveman trying to start a fire with two sticks to Elon Musk launching a rocket into space. Every time my computer crashes, it’s like the universe is playing a cruel joke on me, and I’m the punchline. I click and clack away at the keyboard, praying to the tech gods for mercy, but alas, my efforts usually end in frustration and a call to the IT department.
  7. Comparing my attempts to navigate through rush hour traffic to a NASCAR driver’s lightning-fast reflexes is like comparing a tortoise to a cheetah. Every time I merge onto the highway, it’s like I’m entering a high-stakes race where the only prize is making it to work on time – spoiler alert: I never do. Cars whiz past me like I’m standing still, honking their horns in frustration as I struggle to find the perfect balance between speed and safety.
  8. Comparing my attempts to assemble IKEA furniture to a master carpenter’s craftsmanship is like comparing a toddler playing with blocks to Michelangelo sculpting David. Every time I open a flat-pack box, it’s like I’m staring into the abyss of my own incompetence, knowing that hours of frustration and confusion lie ahead. But hey, at least I always end up with a bookshelf – even if it’s a little lopsided.
  9. Comparing my attempts to keep my plants alive to a botanist’s green thumb is like comparing a desert to the Amazon rainforest. Every time I bring home a new plant, it’s like I’m signing its death warrant, consigning it to a life of neglect and despair. I water them too much, I water them too little – it’s like I’m playing a game of botanical roulette, and the odds are never in my favor.
  10. Comparing my attempts to fix a leaky faucet to a plumber’s expertise is like comparing a band-aid to open-heart surgery. Every time I pick up a wrench, it’s like I’m entering the ring with Mike Tyson, knowing that I’m about to get knocked out cold. Water sprays everywhere, pipes groan in protest, and my frustration reaches new heights as I realize that maybe, just maybe, I should have called a professional.
  11. Comparing my attempts to memorize a speech to a Shakespearean actor’s mastery of the stage is like comparing a goldfish to Einstein. Every time I stand up to speak, it’s like my brain decides to take a vacation, leaving me stuttering and stumbling over my words like a teenager on a first date. I try to channel my inner orator, but it’s like I’m trying to squeeze blood from a stone – painful and ultimately futile.
  12. Comparing my attempts to parallel park to a cat’s graceful leap is like comparing a hippo trying to ballet dance to a prima ballerina. Every time I attempt to park, it’s like I’m playing a game of automotive twister, contorting my body into impossible positions in a desperate bid to avoid hitting anything – spoiler alert: I usually do. Pedestrians watch in horror as I inch closer and closer to disaster, praying that I’ll make it out unscathed.
  13. Comparing my attempts to bake a cake to a pastry chef’s culinary masterpiece is like comparing a mud pie to a wedding cake. Every time I step into the kitchen, it’s like I’m entering a war zone, armed with nothing but a whisk and a prayer. Flour clouds billow, eggs crack, and my kitchen transforms into a battlefield as I battle against the forces of culinary chaos.
  14. Comparing my attempts to fix my car to a mechanic’s expertise is like comparing a caveman chiseling a wheel out of stone to a NASCAR pit crew changing a tire in seconds flat. Every time I pop the hood, it’s like I’m staring into the abyss of my own incompetence, knowing that disaster is just a wrench turn away. But hey, at least I always end up with a newfound appreciation for public transportation.
  15. Comparing my attempts to assemble a piece of IKEA furniture to a master carpenter’s craftsmanship is like comparing a toddler playing with blocks to Frank Lloyd Wright designing the Guggenheim. Every time I open a flat-pack box, it’s like I’m embarking on an odyssey of frustration and confusion, with no end in sight. But hey, at least I always end up with a bookshelf – even if it’s missing a few screws.
  16. Comparing my attempts to parallel park to a ballet dancer’s graceful pirouette is like comparing a bull in a china shop to a swan gliding across a serene lake. Every time I approach a parking spot, it’s like I’m entering a high-stakes game of automotive roulette, with disaster lurking around every corner. Cars honk, pedestrians flee, and I’m left wondering why I didn’t just take the bus.
  17. Comparing my attempts to fix a leaky faucet to a plumber’s expertise is like comparing a monkey banging on a keyboard to Shakespeare writing Hamlet. Every time I pick up a wrench, it’s like I’m playing a game of Russian roulette with my plumbing – and the odds are never in my favor. Water sprays, pipes groan, and my frustration reaches new heights as I realize that maybe, just maybe, I should have paid more attention in shop class.
  18. Comparing my attempts to memorize a speech to a Shakespearean actor’s mastery of the stage is like comparing a goldfish to Einstein. Every time I stand up to speak, it’s like my brain decides to take a vacation, leaving me stuttering and stumbling over my words like a toddler learning to walk. I try to channel my inner orator, but it’s like I’m trying to juggle flaming chainsaws – painful and ultimately futile.
  19. Comparing my attempts to bake a soufflé to a pastry chef’s culinary masterpiece is like comparing a toddler’s finger painting to the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Every time I step into the kitchen, it’s like I’m entering a war zone, armed with nothing but a whisk and a prayer. Flour clouds billow, eggs crack, and my kitchen transforms into a battlefield as I battle against the forces of culinary chaos.
  20. Comparing my attempts to parallel park to a cat’s graceful leap is like comparing a hippo trying to ballet dance to a prima ballerina. Every time I attempt to park, it’s like I’m playing a game of automotive twister, contorting my body into impossible positions in a desperate bid to avoid disaster. Pedestrians watch in horror as I inch closer and closer to the curb, praying that I’ll make it out unscathed.
  1. Why did the pencil refuse to write? Because it was afraid of making mistakes, unlike the fearless pen who boldly writes without a care in the world!
  2. What did the cloud say to the raindrop? “You’re so lucky, you get to make a splash wherever you go! Meanwhile, I just float around and try not to rain on anyone’s parade.”
  3. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing and realized it was about to become the center of attention, unlike the shy cucumber hiding in the corner!
  4. Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it couldn’t handle the pressure of being wheely cool, unlike the skateboard who rolls with the punches!
  5. Why did the book go to school? Because it wanted to be as smart as the dictionary, who knows all the words and their meanings by heart!
  6. Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t peeling well, unlike the apple who always keeps the doctor away!
  7. Why did the clock get tired? Because it was always ticking away the time, unlike the alarm clock who wakes up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed every morning!
  8. Why did the shoe blush? Because it heard the socks telling jokes and realized it had no sole, unlike the sneaker who always has a spring in its step!
  9. Why did the tree get jealous of the bush? Because the bush always gets to stay low and enjoy the view, while the tree has to reach for the sky!
  10. Why did the crayon break? Because it tried to color outside the lines, unlike the marker who stays within the boundaries and never crosses the line!
  11. Why did the cookie cry? Because it felt crumby, unlike the donut who’s always filled with joy!
  12. Why did the turtle cross the road? To prove it wasn’t as slow as everyone thinks, unlike the snail who takes its time and enjoys the journey!
  13. Why did the feather float away? Because it wanted to soar like the eagle, who flies high and never looks back!
  14. Why did the beach ball refuse to bounce? Because it was deflated, unlike the basketball who’s always ready to dribble and shoot!
  15. Why did the balloon blush? Because it was inflated with compliments, unlike the deflated balloon who’s feeling a bit flat!
  16. Why did the bear hibernate? Because it wanted to sleep like a log, unlike the chipmunk who’s always chipper!
  17. Why did the lemon pucker up? Because it saw the lime kissing and realized it was feeling sour, unlike the sweet strawberry who’s always berry happy!
  18. Why did the elephant wear sunglasses? Because it wanted to look trunk-tastic, unlike the giraffe who’s always sticking its neck out!
  19. Why did the fish swim upstream? Because it wanted to prove it had the guts, unlike the jellyfish who just goes with the flow!
  20. Why did the robot go to school? Because it wanted to learn how to be human, unlike the computer who’s always a byte ahead!

  1. Why did the wine glass break up with the beer mug? Because it couldn’t handle its intoxicating charm, unlike the beer mug who’s always up for a good time!
  2. Why did the coffee cup file for divorce? Because it couldn’t handle the grind, unlike the teapot who always steeps in harmony!
  3. Why did the whiskey bottle refuse to go to the party? Because it didn’t want to get mixed up in drama, unlike the vodka bottle who loves to shake things up!
  4. Why did the cigar retire early? Because it didn’t want to go up in smoke, unlike the pipe who’s always puffing along!
  5. Why did the martini feel shaken, not stirred? Because it had too much drama in its glass, unlike the daiquiri who’s always blended in!
  6. Why did the champagne flute feel bubbly? Because it got a little tipsy from all the attention, unlike the wine glass who prefers to keep things mellow!
  7. Why did the chocolate bar break up with the candy cane? Because it couldn’t handle the peppermint’s coolness, unlike the caramel who’s always sticking around!
  8. Why did the cheese plate avoid the party? Because it didn’t want to be spread too thin, unlike the charcuterie board who’s always well-stacked!
  9. Why did the tequila shot go solo? Because it didn’t want to share the spotlight, unlike the margarita who’s always mixing it up!
  10. Why did the steak feel blue? Because it was rare to find someone who could handle its heat, unlike the burger who’s always well-done!
  11. Why did the olive leave the martini? Because it couldn’t handle the pressure, unlike the lemon twist who always adds a zest!
  12. Why did the bacon leave the frying pan? Because it couldn’t handle the sizzle, unlike the egg who’s always sunny-side up!
  13. Why did the lobster refuse to dance? Because it didn’t want to be shellfish with the spotlight, unlike the shrimp who’s always shakin’ it!
  14. Why did the avocado feel guacward? Because it didn’t want to be smushed into a dip, unlike the tomato who’s always playing ketchup!
  15. Why did the oyster clam up? Because it didn’t want to spill its pearls of wisdom, unlike the clam who’s always open!
  16. Why did the salad feel tossed aside? Because it didn’t want to be chopped up in drama, unlike the soup who’s always simmering!
  17. Why did the croissant feel flaky? Because it couldn’t handle the buttery compliments, unlike the bagel who’s always well-rounded!
  18. Why did the sushi roll feel raw? Because it was fishy about getting too wrapped up in drama, unlike the sashimi who’s always slicing through!
  19. Why did the whiskey sour pucker up? Because it didn’t want to get mixed up in a sour situation, unlike the gin and tonic who’s always refreshing!
  20. Why did the teapot feel steamed? Because it didn’t want to boil over with emotions, unlike the tea bag who’s always brewing!
  1. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing and realized it couldn’t ketchup with its dressing skills!
  2. Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two-tired of standing up straight!
  3. Why did the pencil refuse to write? Because it was feeling leaden with responsibility!
  4. Why did the coffee file a police report? Because it got mugged!
  5. Why did the math book look sad? Because it had too many problems!
  6. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because it was outstanding in its field!
  7. Why did the tree go to the dentist? Because it had a root canal!
  8. Why did the chicken coop only have two doors? Because if it had four, it would be a chicken sedan!
  9. Why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants? In case he got a hole in one!
  10. Why did the belt get arrested? Because it held up a pair of pants!
  11. Why did the computer go to therapy? Because it had too many bytes of emotional baggage!
  12. Why did the music note go to the doctor? Because it had a case of the blues!
  13. Why did the tomato go to the party? Because it wanted to ketchup with its friends!
  14. Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t peeling well!
  15. Why did the calendar look worried? Because its days were numbered!
  16. Why did the sandwich go to school? Because it wanted to be a wrap star!
  17. Why did the bicycle refuse to stand up? Because it was two-tired!
  18. Why did the tomato blush? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  19. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because it was outstanding in its field!
  20. Why did the math book look sad? Because it had too many problems!

  1. Why did the cheese go to the gym? Because it wanted to get shredded!
  2. Why did the cheese fail the exam? Because it couldn’t make the grade!
  3. Why did the cheese break up with the cracker? Because it felt too spread out!
  4. Why did the cheese go to the party? Because it heard it was going to be grate!
  5. Why did the cheese get a job at the bank? Because it wanted to make cheddar!
  6. Why did the cheese refuse to play hide and seek? Because it always gets found in the fridge!
  7. Why did the cheese blush? Because it saw the nachos!
  8. Why did the cheese feel lonely? Because it couldn’t find its other half!
  9. Why did the cheese get invited to all the parties? Because it’s always so gouda!
  10. Why did the cheese take up gardening? Because it wanted to grow mold together!
  11. Why did the cheese tell jokes? Because it wanted to be feta than the rest!
  12. Why did the cheese go to the beach? Because it wanted to catch some rays!
  13. Why did the cheese go to the art museum? Because it wanted to see some masterpiece-pieces!
  14. Why did the cheese go to school? Because it wanted to be the big cheese!
  15. Why did the cheese go to therapy? Because it had too many emotional holes!
  16. Why did the cheese feel grumpy? Because it was feeling blue!
  17. Why did the cheese get a job as a DJ? Because it wanted to make everyone feel grate!
  18. Why did the cheese feel confident? Because it knew it was the big cheese!
  19. Why did the cheese feel like it was floating? Because it was on cloud nine!
  20. Why did the cheese get promoted? Because it was a real Swiss army knife!

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